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Oregon Trail Academy

International Baccalaureate World School


Admissions at Oregon Trail Academy

Rules of the OTA Lottery and Enrollment Procedures

Currently enrolled students have the opportunity to secure a place in the next academic year by rolling their enrollment forward.  (Current families will receive Confirmation of Continued Enrollment forms in February.)

Once currently enrolled families have made their decision, the remaining seats will be drawn in a lottery. ALL names will be drawn.  Those who are not seated/admitted, will be placed on the Wait List and contacted if/when a spot opens.  (The Wait List is refreshed every year.)  

We draw names from three (3) "buckets" to secure our classes for the upcoming year.  Names are drawn as follows: 

1. Siblings of currently enrolled students (for example: an incoming kindergartener has a sibling who already attends OTA).  To be considered a sibling for the definition of the lottery, the child must reside (at least some part of the time) with at least one parent who currently has students enrolled at OTA.  Clarification may be requested. 

2. Students who live within the Oregon Trail School District admission boundaries.  Use this link to determine if you are within the boundary.

3. Students who live outside of the Oregon Trail School District admission boundaries (for example: students whose neighborhood school would place them in a Gresham school). 

Elementary (K-5) Class Capacity: 28 students 

Middle School (6-8) Class Capacity: 30 students 

The lottery will be held on Thursday, March 21st this year.  All families will recieve notification via email of their seat or waitlist number the following week. 

Please use this link to join the lottery.

Please use this link to register for school tours and information nights! 

Admission of students to Oregon Trail Academy will be conducted in accordance with state law (ORS 338.125 (1) and federal laws.  All individuals applying to OTA shall receive equal opportunity.