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Oregon Trail Academy

International Baccalaureate World School

OTA Middle School Information Night esp. for 5th grade :)

Posted Date: 1/30/25 (9:35 PM)

Hello 5th grade parents,
Second semester means it's time to start thinking about middle school.  Please mark your calendars for information events in the month of February, so you can learn what sets OTA Middle apart from our neighborhood middle schools.

Monday, Feb. 10th from 3-3:45pm on the middle school side -- this Info night is catered especially towards our current 5th graders and their families.  We'll go over some slides and there will be plenty of time for questions.  Then we'll take a brief tour. No need to RSVP, just put it on your calendar!

If you are unable to make OTA's night -- no worries!  Two other MS Info Events you may join:
VIRTUAL via Google Meet: Wed. Feb 26 from 6:00-6:45pm 
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 443-461-5669‬ PIN: ‪106 529 005‬#

Thurs. Feb. 27 from 4:30-5:15pm - In person on the MS side.  (Same slide presentation, questions, and tour.)

Last year our waitlist for our 6th grade class was 28 students!  That is the largest waitlist our MS has ever had!  Next year we are on track to have a 100% full MS, with 30 students in each grade; capped at 90 students.  News is certainly out about how our small, individualized MS model helps kids thrive in an academically rigorous environment, where we place value on giving students leadership opportunities and building their character as global citizens.

Your child's enrollment in OTA Middle will roll over automatically.  Please let us know if your 5th grader has made other plans for middle school.  I know this is a big (and exciting!) adjustment for families. We are here to help!  
Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you on Feb. 10th!
Take care,
Emily Hafer

ps: If you know of families who are interested in OTA Middle and need to apply to our lottery, please send them this link to the form: Thank you!

[Friday, Feb 7 at 4:56 PM]
Just a friendly reminder that the OTA Middle Info Night is MONDAY after school at 3pm on the MS side. Come over to learn more about our unique 6-8th grade experience!